Saturday, April 26, 2014


Nate's been really chatty lately and even started with some ba-bah's and an occasional ma-ma-ma-mah-mah. But today after having to change my shirt twice today (once because I got his epic poop on me and once from his projectile spit up) and having a battle royale to get him to nap, we were playing on the floor and he climbed into my lap, looked right at me and said with the cutest little lilt in his voice, "MA-mah." Heart. Melted. 

I'm sure what he probably meant was "Move out of the way, woman - I gotta get to that shiny thing behind you!" But I'll take it. Didn't get a pic at the moment, but this was later enjoying some spaghetti and turkey meatballs. Note that Cinnamon is in position to catch any droppings (below).