Monday, March 24, 2014

10 months!

Nater. Nate the Great. Peanut Butter Pie. Gingy Von Grumpenstein. Bubble. Pumpkin. Tater Tot. Just a few nicknames our little guy has picked up so far - each appropriate for a different situation. Nate still eschews using his knees in the whole crawling operation, but is using them to pull himself up on whatever's handy - a step, an ottoman, Momma's hair. Early signs of his fiery red-headed temper are showing in his frustration at not being able to reach something to pull up on or having to sit or lay down when he DOES. NOT. WANT. TO.

He continues to dance and has become quite the babbler… and shrieker! Nate is eating up whatever we put in front of him and his favorite lately was the Shepherd's pie we made for St. Patrick's day (no soda bread for him, though!). And we like to think he slept through the night last night because he's such a mature 10 month old… but it was probably because he didn't take a second nap yesterday and he's fighting a bit of a cold. His last check up (was closer to 9.5 months) had him at 19 lbs and 28 1/4" - explaining why his pants are short why my biceps are sore/growing. And that hair. Spiky, longish, red. He will be one of those long-haired hippie babies before I even think about cutting it.