Friday, January 24, 2014

8 months

My how 8 months just flies by! Our little guy loves exploring by scooting around - he's almost figured out how to get his knees under him to really propel him forward. And when that happens we're in trouble! He's trying more solid foods and mostly liking them (not so sure about puffs and suddenly refuses bananas). He's also mastered the sippy cup and his legs are constantly bouncing and jumping and kicking. His arms are also flailing around a lot and grabbing, but he also likes to concentrate on the details of things and delicately investigates buttons on shirts, other people's facial features or his own hand in front of his face. Nate loves to watch what furry sister is doing and likes to give her pets - we just have to make sure he's not grabbing fistfuls of fur or squeezing her paws - Cinnamon does NOT like that! He still loves the bath and we swear he's got new hair growing in - it's like spiky bird feathers. We fall in love with him more every day - I mean, look at that face!

I don't know about these Puff things ... they have a weird texture.