Sunday, November 24, 2013

6 months!

It's hard to believe this little guy is 6 months old already. Even harder to remember our life PN (pre-Nate)! We've learned so much - how to function on less sleep, how to procrastinate less so we can spend more time with our little guy, and how to still be in love even when he poops on us and yanks out our hair. But we love bringing Nate into bed with us on Sunday morning and listening to him "talk" and play with our faces. It's fun watching (and being terrified of) him trying to crawl. And how entertaining it is to try and get solid food not only in his mouth but swallowed, too! He's screechy, giggly, drooly, grabby, curious, and sometimes fussy, but always has a smile for Mommy and Daddy.