Thursday, November 28, 2013


Little Man celebrated his first ever Thanksgiving today! Think he was somewhat disappointed that he didn't get any turkey or stuffing, but he did enjoy seeing everyone, especially all the other little people. We are so very thankful for smiley Nate (and for sweet Cinnamon, too).

Cinnamon! look over here, girl ...

Gobble Gobble!

Two little turkeys

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sleepy Head

6 months!

It's hard to believe this little guy is 6 months old already. Even harder to remember our life PN (pre-Nate)! We've learned so much - how to function on less sleep, how to procrastinate less so we can spend more time with our little guy, and how to still be in love even when he poops on us and yanks out our hair. But we love bringing Nate into bed with us on Sunday morning and listening to him "talk" and play with our faces. It's fun watching (and being terrified of) him trying to crawl. And how entertaining it is to try and get solid food not only in his mouth but swallowed, too! He's screechy, giggly, drooly, grabby, curious, and sometimes fussy, but always has a smile for Mommy and Daddy. 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Baby reunion!

The new moms group finally found a date to get together and catch up - and see how big all the babies were! There are several scooters and rollers, a few gigglers, and lots of stories of starting solids. The lone girl baby of the group showed off her sitting AND crawling and all the boys took note.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Bring on the solids!

Time for solid food! It's slow going for now, but Nate has moved from spitting the food back out to letting it just hang out on his tongue to actually swallowing some of the food. Progress! 

Trying out the high chair
Rice cereal - meh

All this eatin' is tiring me out

Lemme try the spoon

Mmmm... sweet potatoes!

Taggie Monkey

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Annapolis, MD

We finally made it to Annapolis to visit friends Leslie and Ryan (generous benefactors of much of our baby gear) and their cute little guy, Nolanwho's 14-months-old. It was fun catching up and Nolan even let Nate play with some of his toys while he tried out the car seat and lugged around our diaper bag. Nolan's little sister is due in February!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Happy birthday, Tressie!

Thanks for taking such good care of our Little Man!  Nate enjoyed celebrating with you today.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Nate does Baltimore

Momma's college roommate Kathy, who lives in Kansas City, was in Baltimore for a work conference so we drove up to spend the day with her. It was a beautiful fall day and we had a great time catching up. We even got to spend some time at Geppi's Entertainment Museum to check out their really cool pop culture collection - Daddy was in heaven and Nate and I got to meet a big Superman!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Fun in Rockville

Nate had fun hanging out with his cousins and Auntie Beth and Uncle Rob. And Owen and Liam especially liked hanging ON Uncle Matt. But the real fun began when Liam brought out his Star Wars figures - just the right size for grabby Nate to get a hold of and nom on. He was partial to C-3PO and was not scared of Darth Vader as Liam feared. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Mustache. Tie. No Pants.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Feeling Better

Nate came down with his first fever which we later discovered was likely due to his ear infection. He was just not right all day and night. Poor little man. But now that he's got some drugs (gross pink liquid amoxicillin, anyone?) he's on the mend and back to his smiley giggly self.