Sunday, September 22, 2013

Nate supports Team WISP

Alison, Kevin and I (Team WISP - Women Into Sole Power) put on our best 80s outfits to walk another 50km over 2 days for the National MS Society. Daddy and Nate came out to support us at the start line and finish in style - and some rest stops in between so Momma could feed Nate! Auntie Beth and cousin Liam also joined in the fun at the finish line.

Um, Momma - why did you wake me up so early... and what're you wearing?

Early morning smiles Saturday at the Start Line

At the finish line Sunday afternoon: Incredible Hulk (and Liam) photobomb! Capitol in background.

Uncle Matt and Liam horsing around at the finish line.
50 km, 2 days, 1 downpour and only 1 blister - we made it!
Wee one Into Sole Power - Nate's the 4th WISP baby to wear this team onesie.
Meanwhile, Cinnamon was hanging out with her doggie friends (Cody and Simba) and human friends (David and Michael) for a fun sleepover.