Sunday, September 29, 2013

Apples and pumpkins

Annual apple and pumpkin picking at Hartland Orchard followed by the obligatory stop at the Apple House for cider donuts - yum!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Almost as big as Superman

4 months of Nater and Super.

It takes several tries to get a good shot. Here are the outtakes.
Bad lighting, toppling over, mid-spit up - Superman remains focused and stoic throughout. 

Friday, September 27, 2013

He. Just. Keeps. Growing!

Nate has reached the 4 month mark - incredible! Another round of shots at the pediatrician did not make him happy, but he weighed in at a whopping 15 lbs, 7 oz (61st percentile) and is measuring 25.5 inches (71st percentile)! He's become very chatty, giggly, grabby and drooly. He loves to nom on his hands with the little teeth buds that are sprouting on his lower gum. He's a real roly-poly and has even started sleeping through the whole night!

Not as much as Momma was guessing on the weight front, but I made up for it
by growing 2.5" longer since my last appointment!

Leaning tower of baby!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


This is my friend Tressie - she comes over every day to play with me!

Wearin' jean pants.

We have lots of fun with furry sister...

and she sends Mommy and Daddy super cute pictures like these throughout the day ...

along with updates on how I'm doing. That makes Mommy and Daddy very happy!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Nate at the MS Walk Finish Line

Photo Credit: Dennis Riley

Nate supports Team WISP

Alison, Kevin and I (Team WISP - Women Into Sole Power) put on our best 80s outfits to walk another 50km over 2 days for the National MS Society. Daddy and Nate came out to support us at the start line and finish in style - and some rest stops in between so Momma could feed Nate! Auntie Beth and cousin Liam also joined in the fun at the finish line.

Um, Momma - why did you wake me up so early... and what're you wearing?

Early morning smiles Saturday at the Start Line

At the finish line Sunday afternoon: Incredible Hulk (and Liam) photobomb! Capitol in background.

Uncle Matt and Liam horsing around at the finish line.
50 km, 2 days, 1 downpour and only 1 blister - we made it!
Wee one Into Sole Power - Nate's the 4th WISP baby to wear this team onesie.
Meanwhile, Cinnamon was hanging out with her doggie friends (Cody and Simba) and human friends (David and Michael) for a fun sleepover.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Tired just thinking about it

While hanging out with Daddy, Nate got worn out just thinking about Momma walking 20 miles today for the MS Walk...

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Away for the day

Momma went to Boston for the day for work today so I sent her this photo to let her know how I was doing. 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Toys R Us is for kids, no?

After a long hot summer we hit a cold snap and had some weather in the 60s so we finally got to bundle Nate up in a hoodie. We took a long family walk with Cinnamon in tow and then headed to Toys R Us to get Nate some new toys. 

Daddy showing Nate how the Batcave toy works and trying not to hide his disappointment that its for ages 3+ ...

Hey, where's Daddy going?

Wonder how we ended up in the Star Wars aisle...

This is what we got - I LOVE IT!

Back to work

Back to work for Momma this past Thursday :( This is how I left him the first two days. Happy and hanging out. If I said there were no tears (from me!) I'd be lying. He had fun with the nanny entertaining her with epic poops, several baths and troublesome napping! During Friday morning playtime Cinnamon sandwiched herself right in between Tressie and Nate and his friends. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Last hurrah

It was the last day of Momma's maternity leave today so we had to get some extra snuggles in and I had to wear a really cute scuba monkey onesie. We had so much fun while Momma's been home and I'll miss her, but this nice lady, Tressie, has been coming over and hanging out with me this week and Momma says she'll come over every day - yay!  

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Celebration x 3

Lots to celebrate today. Alison's little one, Blake, had her first birthday today and the Rockmann's held a get together at their house complete with a brunch buffet and yummy cupcakes. Back home for a nap and then out to celebrate Bram's half birthday with Dara and Daniel. Finally, it was on this day last year that I found out I was pregnant with Nate. What a full and joyous year it's been! 

Happy birthday, Blake! Soon I'll be a big enough to have a cupcake, too :)
Alison's an old pro and Nate zonked out on her shoulder.

Another redhead! McKenna has to touch Nate to believe he's real.
Bram's 6 months old!

Nate got to try out Bram's Jumparoo to see if he liked it... and boy did he!

3 Dogs and a Baby

We had a long overdue visit with our friends David, Michael and their pups, Cody and Simba. Lots of commotion with three dogs and a baby, but everyone had a good time.

Nate was all giggles seeing the other doggies. Who knew there were more furry sisters?

From up here furry sister can't get my socks... oh wait... 

Are you approved to hold brother? Not sure, so I'm gonna bark at you.

Oof, maybe I am ready for bed after all.