Saturday, August 24, 2013

3 months old!

We've all come a long way since May and those first few days and weeks home. Not only is Nate pushing 15lbs but he's been sleeping much longer stretches (6 hours!) at night. He's also become very smiley and vocal and we wonder if he knows just how darn cute those coos and gurgles really are. He also definitely recognizes us and is starting to notice Cinnamon more. His hands are a new discovery and he uses them to pull on his bouncy chair to make sounds and grab and yank out clumps of Mommy's hair. And sometimes he just looks at one and then shoves the whole thing in his mouth. Not to be outdone by the hands are those kickers, which propel him to a not-so-safe standing position in the bouncy seat and also allow for some breakdance moves in his crib that position him in the completely opposite direction than how we laid him down. We've certainly had some highs and lows in this adventure so far, but we wouldn't change a thing about our little firecracker.

"Hey, Superman <nudges him in ribs> -- I'm three months old!"

li'l Nate at one month   
Nate at 2 months