Friday, July 26, 2013

Mr. Nate Goes to Washington

Nate made his first foray into Washington, DC this week to see where Mommy and Daddy work.

He was initially super unimpressed with Mommy's office.

Right before he pooped on my boss Allison (left) Nate eyed fellow redhead Kerri.

Nate disrupting the workplace with (from left) Bill, Gay, TJ and Dara

Nate passed out during his interview to join Avalon's web team, but we'll allow him to be an honorary member anyway.

Meanwhile at FINRA... Michelle, Cassandra and Mike give Nate some squeezes.

Sherry showed Nate her cool design projects.

Nate was so happy camped out on Monique's shoulder we threatened to leave and not come back until later that night!

Oh hi, Julie. I remember you.

Daddy wishes it was always "Bring Your Baby to Work Day"