Friday, July 26, 2013

You don't look a day over 8 weeks

Nate had his 2 month pediatrician appointment today and all is well - 12 lbs 6oz (68th percentile) and 23" long (53rd percentile)! He's a chubby little one, which we're hoping helped cushion the shots he had to get today :(  He was not very happy about that, but I think it was harder on us than him! 

Whoa - Mommy and Daddy said I was getting chubby, but I had no idea...

Blissful ignorance pre-shots

"Superman, I'm cranky from all those shots. Did you get smaller or did I get bigger?"

Mr. Nate Goes to Washington

Nate made his first foray into Washington, DC this week to see where Mommy and Daddy work.

He was initially super unimpressed with Mommy's office.

Right before he pooped on my boss Allison (left) Nate eyed fellow redhead Kerri.

Nate disrupting the workplace with (from left) Bill, Gay, TJ and Dara

Nate passed out during his interview to join Avalon's web team, but we'll allow him to be an honorary member anyway.

Meanwhile at FINRA... Michelle, Cassandra and Mike give Nate some squeezes.

Sherry showed Nate her cool design projects.

Nate was so happy camped out on Monique's shoulder we threatened to leave and not come back until later that night!

Oh hi, Julie. I remember you.

Daddy wishes it was always "Bring Your Baby to Work Day"

Monday, July 22, 2013

Nancy and Madelyn and Brian -- Oh my!

Nate continues to be a popular draw so he's been honing his hosting skills. But, honestly, he needs to work on not falling asleep and spitting up on his guests. First our friend Nancy came by and told Nate all about Daddy's work.

Then our good pals Madelyn and Brian stopped by for some snuggles. Madelyn's skills as a former nurse will come in handy when she babysits in the future, though Brian claims Nate told him he was his favorite :)

Friday, July 19, 2013

Books before bed

Mommy read Nate his first books - Goodnight Moon and This is How Much I Love You. Not sure how much he understood, but something tells me we'll be reading books so many times that he'll get the gist of them eventually :)

Lemme show you

The Rockmann girls came by in matching dresses to play with Nate. Naomi showed him how to work the bouncy seat while Blake supervised. 

3 Shimki and 2 gingers

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Bye, Grandma and Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa Shimkus head back to Chicago tomorrow after a nice visit. Nate will miss all their cuddles and kisses, Cinnamon will miss their constant pets and belly rubs and Mommy and Daddy will miss their babysitting and home-cooked meals!

Friday, July 12, 2013

"There's no crying in baseball!"

Every Shimkus man must learn to love their Chicago sports teams like the Cubbies at a young age so they can learn to deal with disappointment and manage expectations—"it keeps you humble," says Grandpa Shimkus. Daddy even likens being a Cubs fan to a lycanthropic/werewolf curse, handed down from generation to generation. Still, win or lose, they all proudly love their Cubbies. Here is Nate watching his very first Cubs game with Grandpa ... "Hey, Nate: what do you say? The Cubs are gonna win today!" 

don't worry, Nate -- just wait 'til next year!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Enter the Reinforcements

Grandma and Grandpa Shimkus arrived today at long last and got to meet Nate and give him lots of hugs and kisses. The first grandchild on the Shimkus side, he's getting lots of love - and so is Cinnamon!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th!

We didn't mean to name our son after a hotdog (even though our nephew Liam suggested Hotdog as a name), but that didn't mean we would skip a 4th of July tradition and not watch the hot dog eating contest. And it was a record-breaker! What better way for Nathan to show his love for America? Thanks Grandma Perell for participating in our inaugural Google Hangout video chat and the patriotic onesie to celebrate.