Saturday, September 30, 2017

Saturday: Bowling party, Georgetown, and Chalk

Michael's party was at a bowling alley!

We walked down to the water in Georgetown to look at the fountains and boats.

Ducks and geese!

Will perfecting his "Blue Steel"

Beautiful day on the Potomac

Crime scene at the Rockmann's

Saturday, September 23, 2017

"I hotdog!"

The boys got to try on Liam's Halloween costume. Owen is going to dress as Joey Chestnut and chase him around.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Week in Pictures

"Take my picture with 'piderman, mama."

Nate signs in to his classroom every morning on a special lightboard.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Great Zucchini

The Great Zucchini @Lubber Run Amphitheater

Packed house, but kids got seats on the stage!

The GZ turned a little boy into Batman at the end! Nate's trying to get a closer look... 

The best of many attempts to get hear/see/speak no evil...