Friday, June 23, 2017

Some Bunny

They independently chose to wear these shirts today.
But wait, what's over there?

Distracted by a giant ladder.

Let's sit down on the wet driveway and watch the roofers. I should've gotten them some popcorn.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Remembering Daddy

Had a full schedule on Father's Day, including a meet up with some new friends from mom's online widow group.

Visited the "Wright on the Walls" Exhibition at the Building Museum. 

Unity Temple wasn't included in the drawings, but this is close... 

FINRA toast to Matt

Everyone wore blue in his honor!

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Leesburg Animal Park


Peacock and turkey

The Great Zucchini show!

So funny!



Nate before the goats swarmed us and our cup of feed, providing a special nightmare-inducing moment for him. Will refused to even go near the "contact area."