Sunday, April 30, 2017

Ninjas eat cereal and get haircuts


Ninja match his ninja turtle shoes (& pj's, of course).

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Arlington Palooza

"C'mon, Will. Let's go to the bouncy houses!" said Nate, dragging Will across the park. 

We ran into Rob and Lindsay at the park!

Nate making a bike smoothie

Was easier to push the pedals with his hands!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


How we decorated our family brick for the daycare. Nothing says our family like feathers, googly eyes, stickers and pipe cleaners. And love.

Monday, April 24, 2017


Paw Patrol with Colin and Davis (Nate's long lost ginger brother)

Alison learns more about Superman's origin story

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Rainy Saturday


"Let's make a tower and climb it!"

Assistants - one helped cut and one helped sample the strawberries...

Nate loves this scene from Singin' in the Rain - Make 'Em Laugh


Sunday, April 16, 2017


Nothing thrills the Shimkus boys more than new socks! 

So excited for bubbles we had to go outside in our jammies to blow them.

And then Will promptly spilled the rest of the bubble liquid so that was the end of that!

Short pants for lunch at the park

Will's response to, "No more candy."

Lining up for the Olson's egg hunt!