Thursday, December 21, 2017

The blog has moved!

Due to technical difficulties with Blogger, I've moved the blog to a new platform:

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Pumpkin Playground @Burke Nursery

The album cover

Mama, I'm stuck. 

Fire Station Open House

Boys weren't into trying on the firefighters' boots, so mama suited up - all the way! 

Firefighter suggested that since the uniform fit so well I should volunteer. Yeah, I have time for that. 

Will wanted nothing to do with scary Sparky the fire dog. 

Nate enjoyed the back of the police car a little too much... 

New Sheriffs in town

Free hotdogs!

Fire safety pencil!!!

Monday, October 9, 2017


It finally rained so the boys could use their new umbrellas that Grandma sent - Paw Patrol and Lightning McQueen to match their raincoats!

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Home Depot & Jumping Joey's

We got to build a fire station bank (and hammer nails!) and paint it. 

Nate's hammering was a delicate tap tap tap. Will really whacked the hammer. Indicative of their personalities, for sure.
Max and Phoebe joined us! 

Colin Tucker's birthday party @ Jumping Joey's

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Saturday: Bowling party, Georgetown, and Chalk

Michael's party was at a bowling alley!

We walked down to the water in Georgetown to look at the fountains and boats.

Ducks and geese!

Will perfecting his "Blue Steel"

Beautiful day on the Potomac

Crime scene at the Rockmann's