Friday, June 27, 2014

The week in Nate

Look, I still fit.

Woke up from my nap sans pants!

Didn't realize I was standing all by myself.

I love to dance-walk. 

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Old pro

Haircut #2 and not a screech or squirm from Nate. Plied with puffs and goofy faces from Momma, of course, but a real champ considering there were trimmers and scissors and a stranger all near his face.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Couch potato


Look who stopped by to play with me today! Momma says she and Fred went to high school together and he was in town for work. He was kind of a tickle monster!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Day of the Dad

Daddy had a very nice Father's Day weekend!  Mommy took her boys out to a nice dinner on Saturday night, made a delicious breakfast this morning and then let Daddy go see 'Godzilla.'  Nicest of all, she made this incredibly sweet video that she played for Daddy this morning ...

Father's Day 2014
This year with the kids.  Look at that belly!
Nate was just a little smaller last year on Father's Day ...
don't worry, Nate -- Daddy will watch this with you soon!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Nate in a Basket

Climbed in all by myself ... though, not quite sure how to get out.

hangin' out and playing with Isatou

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Busy Saturday

We had a full day Saturday - first family photos, then Lucas' birthday party, errands, a walk down to the Greek Festival for dinner. I was pooped by the end of the day!

Happy birthday, Lucas - I got the memo to wear seersucker, too.

How many toddlers does it take to put the triangle block in the mailbox?

Making myself at home playin'

Found the ball pit!