Friday, February 28, 2014

Snuggles with Cinnamon Girl

This is how furry sister copes with the cold winter weather.  To think Mommy and Daddy once thought the bed would be off-limits for Cinnamon.  But really, how can you resist that sweet little face?

Monday, February 24, 2014

9 months!

This guy's been out as long as he was in - 9 months! Take that, Superman. Nater's giggles are louder, his hair is crazier, and his appetite is bigger. We're having lots of fun watching him scoot around and explore. His favorite things to scoot after are the TV remote and our iPhones and sometimes toys. He's not quite sure about how to use his knees in the whole crawling operation, but he seems to be figuring out how to pull himself up with his big guns. He starts dancing and bopping his head the second he hears any kind of music. We've tried lots of new foods - pureed turkey, anyone? - and have tried to make some of it more solid and less puree, which makes Nate angry because he has to stop and faux chew the food instead of just inhaling it. And the ultimate Momma betrayal - he babbles "dadadadada" all day long. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Dinner date

Momma and Daddy had an at-home dinner date with Jill and Steve. They played with me and brought me soft blocks that I can knock over and chew. They even gave furry sister some belly rubs. 


Monday, February 17, 2014

Bath + Toys = Squeals of Delight

Look what Tressie brought me! Who knew you could combine my two favorites?

New noises

Xylophones and tissue paper make all sorts of fun new noises. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Tressie's texts

Momma and Daddy love getting text updates of my daily adventures from Tressie:

"This monkey thing sticks to my tray so I can't throw it on the floor..."

Grumpy Gus


Pureed meat

"Let's watch a DVD!"


New friends

Thanks for coming over to hang out with me, April and Njari!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Are you ready for some football (commercials)?

We tend to tune into the Super Bowl more for the commercials than anything else, but maybe Nate will be a big football jock?