Thursday, December 26, 2013

Shimkus Christmas, Part 2

Today, Nate got to meet his Uncle Tom (who he's heard a lot of stories about) and Aunt Lavinia -- and also got to see their great new house!  Uncle Tom made some tasty steaks and we went back to Grandma and Grandpa's place to open the last of the presents.  


Hey, Grandma and Grandpa -- over here!
Ah -- close enough, Nate.  Close enough.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas, Perell Style

Nate met his Auntie Bridget and Uncle Lyle -- and got to hang out with cousins Owen and Liam, too! Grandma's sister, Aunt Mary, was also there to meet the little man and Grandma, Auntie Beth and Uncle Rob were on hand to give Nate some much needed attention and love.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve

In our pajamas until 3 pm, a visit to Matt's boyhood home in Arlington Heights and some long-cherished Chop Suey rounded out this Christmas Eve -- all capped off with some of Grandma's delicious kolachkes and our annual viewing of "It's A Wonderful Life." Attaboy, Clarence.

Monday, December 23, 2013

6 degrees

We spent today trying to stay toasty despite the 6-degree temperature outside. Virginia has made us soft and we had forgotten this kind of cold - brrrr! Nate and Grandma discussed the merits of Da Bears and after lunch Nate helped Grandma with her Scrabble game (she needed it cuz Momma was totally winning). After a long day, a sink bath was in order and some cuddles with Momma.  

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Shimkus Christmas, Part 1

Nate enjoyed seeing Grandpa and Grandma and their nice new place! After spending the day getting lots of attention from the grandparents, Nate got to meet his Uncle Alex and Auntie Kim -- very exciting!