Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!


Feeling festive!
Cinnamon's getting into the spirit, too.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Momma knits!

Momma finally got to put me in the sweater and hat she knit for me when we went out on a walk today - it was so snuggly I fell asleep in the stroller! Thanks Auntie Kim for the baby knits book that made this look possible. 

Saturday, October 26, 2013

White House Garden Tour

Our friends Duncan, Jes and Jody and their two kids had extra tickets to the White House Fall Garden Tour and invited us to join them! It was a sunny (though slightly chilly) fall day and we even ran into Aunt Beth and Liam.

with Auntie Beth and cousin Liam
in front of the South Portico of the White House
South Portico with Blue Room and Diplomatic Reception Room

South Lawn of the White House
The West Wing

The Rose Garden
White House Playground built for First Daughters Malia and Sasha
West Wing and Oval Office
The Oval Office
As you can see, it was just Barack, Michelle and us!

Nate for President, 2048!

Civic duty

Mommy and Daddy voted early today and even though I didn't get a ballot, the nice precinct lady let me have an "I voted" sticker.


Thursday, October 24, 2013

5 months!

The weather's getting chilly and I'm getting big! 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sunday morning pajama time

Visit from Shawn

Our friend Shawn drove out from Chicago to visit us and we had lots of fun. We took Nate on his first Metro ride and went to the American History Museum and then out for Mexican for dinner. The next day we took advantage of the perfect fall day and walked to the MLK Memorial. We all look fairly rested, but Nate wanted to party with Shawn all night while he was here - guess we shouldn't have jinxed it when we told him that Nate sleeps through the night! 

Waiting for first metro train. Shocker - it's late.

Where're we goin'?

Little monster

We all got to enjoy some piano music from Shawn - it was nice to hear someone else play!


MLK Memorial

Lunch with the Rockmann's

Nate eyeing Naomi's pigtails, trying to decide which to yank first.

Our little pumpkin ... in jean pants.

"Hold still, Blake -- so I can eat your face."

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Baby loves Beethoven

Fussy Nate wasn't happy no matter what Momma tried - until she started playing the piano! Quieted him down immediately and he'd start back up if I stopped. Ultimately it put him to sleep. We started with a little Chopin and then some Mozart, but he seemed partial to Beethoven.