Sunday, June 30, 2013

A day in the life

1 month!

First monthly pic of Super Nate - how is he 1 month old already? What have we learned about our little man so far - he loves to snuggle, is fascinated by ceiling fans even though we don't think he can really see them, and practically climbs up whomever is holding him with his bobbing head and kicky legs. He grunts like a pterodactyl when he's sleeping. Oh, and we also love the little guy to pieces.

More adoring fans

Leslie brought lunch and her little boy, Nolan, over for a visit this week. It was fun to see how much he's grown since we saw him last a few months ago and to think about how Nathan will be babbling and waving like him before we know it!

Amy also came by with bubble tea from Eden Center and updates from the workplace. She also overcame her fear of wobbly baby heads - she was a natural! Thanks for the visit and snuggles, says Nate.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Bath and Footprints

Little Nate's feet are inked for the baby book ... he really loved that.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Dara meets the kids

My friend Dara came by today - she had a little boy, Bram, just three months ago, so she's always passed on some good tips to share and was able to remind me that all the crazy things (the erratic sleep schedule, the constant feeding, etc.) get better and that maternity leave sails by! Cinnamon was concerned that a stranger was holding the baby and barked at Dara, but quickly realized she was good people when she let her jump on her lap to get pets.

Monday, June 17, 2013

First Father's Day

We had a low-key first Father's Day yesterday with a nice brunch at home. And Nate somehow found time to shop for a gift and card for Dad and can't wait until Dad reads his new book to him. Matt capped off his day with steaks on the grill and a snuggle with his favorite little guy. 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Birthday cupcakes, grandkids and cousins

The Recklaus family came to visit again to celebrate Mom and Beth's birthdays (6/24 and 7/8) a little early with BBQ and cupcakes, which also meant that Grandma had all 3 three grandsons together. Nate played a little "got your finger" with Liam. And we were even able to snag a pic of the three boys together for Grandma. 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Boy of Steel

Nate was upset that Daddy went to see 'Man of Steel' without him ... but he still wanted to show his support for the Last Son of Krypton.  Don't worry, Nate -- Daddy will take you to see the sequels!

Detail from nursery: personalized panel taken from Action Comics #1 (1938), the very first appearance of Superman.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Grandma's here!

Now that Daddy has gone back to work Grandma Perell is here to hang out with Mommy and Nate - and of course Cinnamon. The little guy is in his best cuddling form, but also made sure to welcome Grandma with a long stretch of middle-of-the-night screeching her first night here.


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Tub bath

Now that his cord has fallen off, Nate had his first tub bath. Not sure if it was more traumatic for him or us, but we all survived :)  Daddy had fun styling Nate's hair and taking photos and video to embarrass him in his teen years.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Smiley Face

Sunday fun day

Auntie Beth and cousins Owen and Liam brought lunch over Sunday. The boys also brought a present for Nate - a personalized book about his name! 

Later that afternoon Margaret came by to give Nate some cuddles and give Cinnamon some belly rubs.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Best Pals

2 Weeks Old!

Good visit to the pediatrician today - Nate hit his 2 week weight goal and then some, coming in at 8 lbs. He's measuring 20.5" not counting his spiky post-bath hair. And as a bonus, he didn't pee all over the exam table this time.

Yes, a sleeper, swaddling blanket, the blanket mommy knit and the vibrations from the bouncy seat = sleepy time.

First time on the play mat - what're these things?

Thursday, June 6, 2013

More Visitors!

More visitors for Nathan! Julie came by to snuggle with the boy and bring us a yummy dinner. 

And Paula finally got to meet Nate and give him kisses.

Finally, Jes dropped by in her swanky new minivan to get a refresher on holding a newborn before her second, a little girl, is due at the end of July.

And while we had an extra set of hands at the house, we took the opportunity to get a family photo!