Thursday, May 30, 2013

Little Nate

Meeting Furry Sister

Cinnamon has been so good with Nate! She's always excited to see (and hear!) her little brother, but she's been very careful and sweet with him -- almost as if she knows she has to be on her best behavior. We're so glad and relieved Cinnamon is reacting well to this new member of the family.

Cinnamon likes to hang out on the Batman rug while Mommy feeds Nate on the glider (to the right of this picture).

Cinnamon says: "I also like to be under blankets."

"They give you treats if you pee or poo!"

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Spa services

First came the manicures (so he won't scratch his eyes out), then came the blue light "tanning bed" (touch of jaundice) and now Nathan's first sponge bath. He screeched the whole time, spit up and then pooped himself in protest.

Nate makes more friends

All the Rockmann's came to visit yesterday - and brought more sustenance in the form of homemade ice cream!

Then our neighbors and good friends David and Michael brought furry sister home. They'd had her since last Wednesday and she was super curious about brother. HUGE thanks to David and Michael (and their sweet dogs Cody and Simba) for taking such good care of Cinnamon for us!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Baby mullet

Emulating Daddy circa 1987 - business up front, party in the back.

Sunday, May 26, 2013


Nate liked his first car ride and tour of his new home. Settling in comfortably!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

First visitors!

Auntie Beth, Uncle Rob and cousins Owen and Liam came to see Nate today. Then Auntie Alison stopped by to snuggle with the little man. 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Happy birthday, Nathan Everett

Little man Nate arrived in style on May 24 at 1:37 am weighing 7lbs, 12 oz, measuring 20 1/4" and sporting some reddish hair! It was a long day for our family, but we are so thrilled to finally meet the little guy. We're in love already.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What's in a name?

We have officially decided on a name for our little guy and have decided that it's really hard naming a human! So many things to consider, as seen in this SNL bit:

We're waiting to share the name until he makes his debut. In the meantime, here are some names we "considered" but I'm sure the boy will be glad we passed over:

Thorbjorn (good one, Auntie Beth)
Zephyr (hard to let this one go)
Hotdog (compliments of cousin Liam)
Conrad Balki (ode to 80s sitcoms Diff'rent Strokes and Perfect Strangers from our friend Shawn)
Seamus (Seamus Shimkus? oof)

Monday, May 20, 2013

Due dates are for suckers

This due date is coming and going without fanfare. Little Man's just too comfy where he is! And note how Cinnamon did not take long to claim the Batman rug.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Super superhero nursery

There's a definite theme to the nursery (which is still being worked on by Daddy) ...